Alzheimer’s Research Scientist and Professor Dr. Bruce Lamb was instrumental in garnering national attention to the need for funding and Congressional support for Alzheimer’s disease research. Last year, Dr. Lamb dreamed-up and spearheaded the Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Ride: a cross-country bicycle ride that raised awareness and culminated in a movement on Capitol Hill on Sept. 21, World Alzheimer’s Day. Thanks in part to his efforts, Congress passed the National Alzheimer’s Project Act (NAPA). This will be critical to advancing our efforts in research.
We honored Dr. Lamb at A Celebration of Hope, on Thursday, May 5, with the Community Service Award. Below, we share comments from Dr. Lamb on receiving the award.
This has been an amazing year for Alzheimer’s researchers from across the country! Not only because we are continuing to make strides towards a world without Alzheimer’s disease in the laboratory, but this year for the first time, researchers engaged in advocacy, riding their bikes over 4,500 miles across the United States in the Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Ride to garner petition signatures in support of Alzheimer’s legislation. Notably, the Breakthrough Ride helped lead to the passage of the first piece of federal legislation focused on Alzheimer’s disease, called the National Alzheimer’s Project Act –or NAPA- earlier this year. NAPA will develop a national office for dealing with Alzheimer’s disease and as such is a critical first step in the federal fight against this deadly disease.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the contribution of the entire Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Ride Family, as we became known. This family includes the riders, who left their own families and jobs to train and ride their bikes for hours and days at a time often in extreme conditions. Some of the riders are in attendance tonight.
This family also includes the Alzheimer’s Association, who enthusiastically supported the concept of the ride from the very beginning. In particular, Nancy Udelson and the local Alzheimer’s Association Chapter provided an unbelievable reception for the ride in Cleveland last September. The Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Ride was born in Cleveland and it is certainly no coincidence that we reached our goal of 100,000 petition signatures the day the ride passed through the city!
Finally, the Breakthrough Ride family included my own wife, Samia, and my son, Raza, who rode over 300 miles of the route and my daughter Noura, who helped me train on our tandem bike.
I am proud that the Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Ride played a part in the passage of NAPA. However, NAPA does not include increased funding for Alzheimer’s research. Given the scope of the Alzheimer’s disease epidemic our country is facing, this is, simply put, unacceptable.
That’s why I need you to help me with a call and response that we used throughout the ride. When I say “Break,” I need you to say “Through.” Are you ready? What we really need in Alzheimer’s disease research is a Break…Through…Break… Through….Break….Through… Thank you very much!